We’re pleased to have Peter Junker’s Things Will Get Worse among the books selected by poet A. E. Stallings for POETRY Magazine’s May 2020 online reading list:
“The prize for most aptly-titled poetry collection this year surely goes to Peter Junker’s Things Will Get Worse, a group of sturdy little poems in a form he’s dubbed a ‘hekaton.’”
Here’s a sample hekaton (10 lines of 10 syllables) from the book:
Old Mill Town
Up here the roads have more names than signs. The tame dogs aren’t fenced and the fenced ones Aren’t collared. Poverty shows itself, Oddly enough, through accumulations
Of worldly possessions parked in the yard. In some yards it’s always Christmas and in A few others it’s always Halloween. A handful of old Victorians peel
In the weather, contemporaries of The brick downtown where trains used to stop.